Also JVC will introduce the first PC-networked HTiBs, both DLNA-certified. JVC will debut its the first XM-ready HTiBs, shelf systems, and boombox. Philips and Sherwood will debut the first bar-style virtual-surround HTiBs while an expanded selection of XM-ready HTiBs will come from LG and Panasonic, which is also expanding its selection of XM-ready shelf systems. The first virtual surround systems from Klipsch, LG and Panasonic, and an expanded selection from Philips and JVC will debut at CES and join systems from multiple other vendors. HTiBs with HDMI outputs that scale up to 1,080p making their first appearance, with Philips and Panasonic showing their first model will be shown. There will also be 720p/1,080i-upscaling HDMI outputs appearing in more HTiBs, with LG, Philips and Panasonic expanding their selection. Philips will show models that dock with iPods and its GoGear MP3 players, and iLuv will show shelf systems and other home products that dock with the Samsung Yepp K5 and TP flash-memory players. the first home theater systems and shelf systems designed to dock and recharge a specific brand of MP3 player other than the iPod brand.the first iPod-docking shelf systems from LG, Sharp, and Jensen, and an expanded selection from Philips.the first iPod docking HTiBs from LG and Philips, and an expanded selection by JVC.
#Sonic tech music shelf series
Here at CES, dealers will find a series of firsts: These developments could help drive up average retails in what has become a commodity market whose factory-level dollar volume fell by 10.8 percent for the first 10 months of 2006 to $969.2 million, according to CEA statistics. Manufacturers are also visually integrating their systems with flat-panel displays by packing electronics and all satellite speakers into a bar-type chassis that can be placed above or below a flat-panel TV. HDMI connectivity has been added to systems to deliver a one-cable connection to new HDTV displays and in many cases to upscale the system’s DVD output to high def. Suppliers are also dtepping up their selection of virtual surround-sound HTiBs to eliminate speaker clutter and simplify setup (see product roundup on p. Instead, mainstream system suppliers are focusing on connecting to new music sources such as iPods, other-brand MP3 players, satellite radio, PCs, and the Internet. See equipment rental pricing specific to your service at checkout.Home-theater-in-a-box (HTiB) and compact music systems may have lagged behind other consumer electronics products in making the transition to the 21st century, at CES here this week buyers will find few systems with dual-well cassette decks.
#Sonic tech music shelf for free
We’ll always replace it for free should you have any issues. The equipment is fully supported by our award-winning customer care team, which includes necessary technician visits, some inside wiring and jack repair.
#Sonic tech music shelf install
A Sonic Technician will install service at your home - there is no self-install option at most locations.

This will be provided during your installation.

IP Broadband service comes with a Voice-Over-IP phone connection.