Bitraser free
Bitraser free



Stellar is a good and honest company, and I wish it well, but BitRaser is not any kind of quantum leap in the home user market and as such today's offer - that grudging 6-month trial period aside - lacks a USP persuasive enough to download and try it. But it is to say that for home usage, buying any commercial cleaning / wiping / erasing / shredding product makes little financial sense. None of this is to suggest that the vast amount of freeware out there is superior to Stellar's offering.


For an individual file or folder I'm not bothered about, delete to Recycle Bin is all I need alternatively, any of the free multi-pass shredders out there, from Bleachbit to Privazer to Erazer to you-name-it, takes care of that. In my case, if I have need to wipe the so-called 'Free Space', I use my ancient copy of CCleaner Free, select the 3-pass cleaning option - because with modern HDDs, nothing higher is necessary - set it running last thing at night, go to bed, wake up and have breakfast in the morning, and the job's done. Nowadays, an increasing number of home computer users have (sensibly) taken advantage of the decreasing price of SSDs to divide up their PCs into a small capacity SSD for the Windows OS and a much larger capacity HDD for data. Nothing in its promotional material addresses the software's ability to out-perform that home-use competition, not even the mention of 17 different "international algorithms" (such multiplicity is pretty much meaningless anyway.)

bitraser free

And sadly, that's the only significant difference which seems to exist between BitEraser and all the other programs, free and paid-for, out there. On which basis then, its facility to generate erasure certificates for audit purposes is in some cases going to be relevant - but for home users, irrelevant. The competition for home users is intensive, which perhaps explains why Stellar doesn't actually feature BitRaser in its home use range at all, but only its business range.


What is a little surprising is the company's inclusion of data erasing and data recovery software in its portfolio - not because they're mutually exclusive, but because the software industry is absolutely chock full of data wipers / cleaners / erasers, and has been for a long time. BitRaser File Eraser alternatives are mainly File. This data erasure solution uses international algorithm standards including DOD-3 Pass, 7 Pass, NIST, and more to ensure total deletion of any file, application, document, as well as all their. Other great apps like BitRaser File Eraser are DiskGenius, Darik's Boot and Nuke, WipeFile and Permadelete. BitRaser for File is a data deletion software developed by Stellar Data Recovery designed to erase data and all its traces beyond the scope of recovery. The best alternative is Eraser, which is both free and Open Source. As the corporate logo on its website pages is "Stellar Data Recovery", and its trading entity is Stellar Data recovery Inc, no surprise there then. There are more than 25 alternatives to BitRaser File Eraser for Windows, Mac,, Linux and Apple TV.

bitraser free

This American developer has been in the software business for several years and in that time earned user plaudits and favorable tecchie reviews worldwide for the quality of its data recovery programs.

Bitraser free